Dermal filler, is a popular cosmetic procedure that enhances facial volume, reduces wrinkles, and restores youthful appearance. Made of hyaluronic acid, it's injected into targeted areas to plump and smooth, offering natural-looking results with minimal downtime
Fillers consist of synthesised hyaluronic acid, which is supported in the collagen skin matrix. It is slowly absorbed over time, as the molecules mimic natural compounds found within the collagen in the skin. Collagen gives your skin ‘bounce’ and over time the percentage of collagen in skin reduces, causing it to sag and develop folds and creases.
We you come for a consultation Dr Sarah will be able to advise on what she recommends. If something cannot be treated, we will try and be as realistic as possible. There are certain types of folds that are too deep for any type of filler treatment.
The following treatments can be done successfully:
For nasolabial folds and creases (laughter lines) we will put some local anaesthetic cream on the area. This will sufficiently numb the area, so that the injections are not too painful. The needles used for dermal fillers are very thin, so this helps reduce pain.
The gel-like solution is injected into the skin to add volume and creates a more youthful appearance. Areas commonly injected are nose to mouth lines (naso-labial lines/folds), lines around the mouth (peri-oral/smokers lines), lines between the brows (glabellar) and the lips.
Dermal filler usually lasts 9-18 months, it varies person to person. The will gradually break down over time. How the area looks and feels is the best indicator that a top-up is needed.
There are very few reported side effects with these products, bruising being the most common as with any injections. This is usually minimal and can be covered effectively with make up.
You must mention to your practitioner if you are taking any blood thinning medications ie. aspirin or warfarin as one would be at higher risk of bruising. However, this does not mean that we cannot proceed, it just mean we will take extra care to minimise bruising.
Do nothing differently. Just go about your day to day activities as normal. Your skin will be cleaned at the time of the procedure, so try not to use any products or cosmetics.